Monday 26 July 2021

El Andalous - More Boat Trips


Busy Sea During Eid

It’s the summer, so it’s getting very hot here and that means… boat trips. They are a relatively safe activity (touch wood) during pandemic times since it’s usually windy and it’s hard to breathe the same air twice.

One boat trip took place on Theresa’s return from Miami, which also marked the end of me having to cat sit. Quite a few people are back in Europe now, so it wasn’t so easy to drum up the numbers; also big Eid (which was this past week) was coming up, meaning that boats were getting booked up.

In the end, I think about eight of us went. As usual, it was a fab day, especially since Theresa had bought some KFC. I couldn’t have wanted for more. There was a slight hiccup at the beginning, because Theresa overslept and we also got a little lost getting there. But all’s well that ends well. I managed to do some swimming as well as snorkeling, although I’m always wary when I swim out in the open sea in case a boat doesn’t see me, so I never swim that far away. And there’s the fact that I’ve been left behind on at least two occasions!

We also had a rooftop buffet for Theresa when she returned – each of us made a separate dish. I cooked some chicken drumsticks, but I forgot that my oven isn’t particularly good (it’s just a small portable thing), so they took ages. And I had to shut Cleo in the bathroom in order to be able to get out of the flat without the drumsticks being attacked by her. At the end of the evening, they weren’t all eaten, so I put the rest in the freezer.

These, I took on another boat trip. This one was with a few friends, and a friend’s family members. We had a glass-bottomed boat to ourselves and stopped off at one deep (well, it really wasn’t that deep, but to the non-swimmers it was deep) place and one shallow place where you could stand.

On both boat trips, we have music with us, so we have a bit of a dance while sailing the waves (and downing the alcohol – although I tend not to drink much these days).

To be sociable, I went afterwards onto our rooftop where people gather most days at around sunset to have a drink and a chat among friends. It’s just a casual thing. Anyway, I hadn’t been for a while and thought it was time to show my face. I brought my drumsticks from the previous group meal we’d had, and that I’d just taken on the trip with me, and they all seemed completely horrified. I did explain that they’d been frozen, but I got the distinct feeling I’d made a faux pas. Oh well, I usually have a strong constitution….

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