Monday 1 January 2018

El Andalous - Back!

A Toast to 2018! Me and Santa in the sea at Carambola beach, St Kitts

I just arrived back on New Year’s Eve, having come back from Barbados via Miami and Zurich. Some of the beaches in the Caribbean are really idyllic, although actually many of them aren’t so good for swimming as the waves are pretty impressive (and dangerous!).

After ten days of fine dining, I’m actually getting to the stage where I’m dying just to have some simple food for a change. I’ve eaten too much and it’s all starting to tell! However, I really enjoyed the cruise – I was invited to join a table of invited guests each night to dine with one of the crew, which was a great option, and my view from the cabin was always five-star by default (how can you go wrong with a constant, unobstructed sea view?).

I really liked both Barbados and Miami – in fact, I’m wondering if I could come over for a couple of months and work from Miami instead of Zurich for a little while. I’m not sure how practical that would be or even whether I’d want to spoil my experience by doing work at the same time, but it’s good to have a little dream now and again.

Sahl Hasheesh is gearing up for a big party to see the new year in, so maybe I’ll post some photos of that next week. Meanwhile, I’m going to start off the new year with a KFC in the evening of 1st Jan, so that already bodes well for the year ahead.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2018 laced with pleasant surprises just to keep it interesting! Thanks for reading.


  1. Happy New Year to you! Love reading your blogs. ����

  2. Thanks Idette! Happy new year to you as well.
