Monday 7 December 2020

El Andalous - Security


One of My Snorkeling Areas

I feel safe in Sahl Hasheesh as we have security to enter the resort, various security cabins round the resort, and then security at reception in our building.

But amusing situations can arise.

One of my snorkeling places is at the beach set up for Paradise Gardens / Veranda (two apartment complexes here). The beaches are supposed to be available to all, but use of sunbeds belongs to the various resorts.

Anyway, I arrived at Paradise Gardens, put my bag on the sand near their beach. For the first time ever, a security guard walked up to me to inform me that the beach was only for the use of Paradise Gardens / Veranda residents. I argued that I wasn’t using their beach, I was beside it, and the beach was for everyone to use. I’m not sure he understood me, as he repeated that I wasn’t allowed.

I didn’t argue and told him that actually it was too windy and I didn’t want to stay. The sea is a lot calmer by El Andalous, so it’s often not until you arrive at somewhere further round the bay that you realise how windy it is.

At this point, the security guard did a complete turn and said it was okay, I could stay if I liked. I insisted that I didn’t want to, and he continued to explain that I could use the sun loungers, it really didn’t matter. He urged me to stay. I’m not sure if he wanted a tip (hard luck, as I never carry money with me when snorkeling) or wanted to ogle a female body. In any case, he was out of luck as I left.

On another day, I cycled to what I call the “slopey bit” which is opposite an unfinished building that looks like a replica of Hetshepsut’s temple. Again, I put my bag down on the sand and got myself ready to get into the water. A security guard walked over (for the first time ever) and said he’d look after my bicycle and my bag for me. I smiled and thanked him. If he wanted a baksheesh, he was out of luck.

I had a long snorkel and got back. The security guard pointed to my stuff and my bike and I gave him a thumbs up. I was about to apologise for the fact that I didn’t have any money on me (I did feel quite bad), but it turned out that all he wanted was a photograph of me with him. I told him he’d have to wait until I’d put my dress over my swimming costume. He kindly averted his eyes while I waited to dry off for a while and had slipped my dress over my head. We just stood side-by-side. All quite innocent.

It's a bit of a status symbol over here to be seen with a Westerner, which is why he wanted the photo. It was easy “payment” for having my stuff looked after.

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